DragonMaster Community AMA Recap (August 23, 2024)

12 min readAug 30, 2024


DragonMaster Core Members:

  • Ethan Brown
  • ChuckRRR
  • Daniel | Magic Hat

Sir kindly look at Merge issues. A lot of failure. U can increase the fees 2x or 3x but not failure 😕😔
Like SS merge fee 150
SSS Merge fee 300 but confirm sir

Thank you for your question

Regarding NFT Merge, it is developed using smart contracts and employs Chainlink’s random number generation to ensure results that cannot be tampered with, making it fair for everyone. From the player’s perspective, we sincerely consider your suggestions. Thank you for your feedback.

@Kamran Qureshi
Boss when you accept my request of moderator I apply na make me a part of dragon master it’s my wish

Thank you for your question

We will review all applications and begin a new round of moderator internships next week. If your application is approved, we will notify you.

🔥 Furthermore, this recruitment is open worldwide. If you are interested in joining our team, please submit your application.


Can you give us shareable information about the new matchmaking rules?
We don’t want to end up like the other players last season where they matched with the same players multiple times and got banned.
thanks ..

Thank you for your question

Hello, the main rule of the new season is aimed at protecting beginner players, making it easier to match with bots. Please experience other rules in the game.

In addition, making the matching rules too transparent can lead to abuse of the rules. From the developer’s perspective, we do not want to see any players being account banned. In the current season, just enjoy the game.

@Mr. Stanke 🤌
1.Can u give us some rules we should respect? Now we are in a gray zone, anyone can get banned for not knowing exact rules.

2.What about staking? Any plans for updating the reward? When I started playing it was above 1, now 0.5. I understand everyone now bought those chests and gained s, ss, sss drags, but if that is so, you should consider updating that reward.

3.Please do something about thunder sound, it’s embarrassing
Like some chicken.

4.Can you please test several things you are updating, or like when you put a new dragon on sale? We faced multiple errors, bugs, issues with new things. New things are always good, but let’s make them really good, not like half good. Thank you.

5.When to expect new family dragons?

6.The Ping issue is killing us some times, please do something about improving that.

7.Sd breeding event soon maybe?

8.What about listing tokens, is there any progress?

9.Suggestion about treasure hunt:
Add more things like nft fragments, nft card, trophy double card, trophy protection card. It will attract more players for sure. More players-more totems burned, price of totems will go up. Also delete that big speaker, it’s useless.

10.What about increasing possibilities for Shenron? Long time only 2 players have it. And 10k is the max quantity?

Thank you for your question

  1. It is not a wise choice to expose their cheating schemes. As long as you play normally, you will be safe during the season.
  2. The staking rewards and the new dragon release are not necessarily related.
  3. Thanks for the feedback, the thunder sound issue has been fixed.
  4. We accept the criticism and are sorry for not bringing a perfect experience to the community. Releasing a new dragon is a huge amount of work and we cannot sacrifice the experience for a quick release.
  5. In September, we will release a new family dragon.
    Preview: Its skills are clone/fission
  6. OK, our technical team is investigating and fixing it.
  7. The breeding event for the Thunder Dragon will take place after the pre-sale ends, likely in mid-September.
  8. It is currently in the confidentiality stage and no further information has been disclosed. Please pay attention to community announcements.
  9. Yes, we will adjust the prizes and probabilities of treasure hunt in the near future, and plan to add cool avatars and avatar frames, which can increase the initial HP and armor value.
  10. Yes, we revealed in the previous AMA that we will put more Shenron into the hands of players. Please pay attention to the community announcement for detailed activities.

my advice is also add weekly missions
like win 3 matches on 1000hp
win 5 matches 500 or more trophy 🏆 player
Win 10 games in Dodge killer

Thanks for asking

Currently these new task types may be added to special tasks in the form of Battle Pass.

1.You said sir @Ethan Brown if we catch a player doing wintrade in game
You give rewards, right?
To the person who catch them,
Past season i saw a replay facing his other account
This is it ⁠⚠丨user-reports⁠
@Ethan Brown what can you say about this video sir hahahahaha🤭

2. shenron holder is limited?

Thanks for your question:

1. Yes, our promises will always count. After the cheating list is released, please provide historical evidence and apply for a 50DMT reward from the administrator. Please provide your DM wallet address later.

2. Yes, the maximum amount does not exceed the shenron limit.

When card mode will be Rewardabl..??

Thanks for the question:

Regarding the card mode, there is no more reward information at the moment.

Hello devs please consider my suggestion,
1. Ring back the weekly data for players, mint/burned totem and dmt, and total sales.
2. When is the next buyback for dmt and totem? It’s declining fast, and since the price of the dragon is low, rental is now useless, because anyone can buy dragons now coz its low market price.

Thanks for your question

1. We will update the weekly data in #latest-developments.

2. Every quarter, the development team will initiate at least one token buyback , but there is no clear date , please pay attention to the community announcement . Renting still makes sense, especially for new players who are cautious about paying upfront , as renting provides a free gaming function .

I highly to suggest to remove this feature Because our enemy can easily monitor us, they saw we’re in battle or online Dodging us if they use their main Hunting us if they use their alt Remove this feature as soon as possible

Thanks for the question

To increase social attributes, this is our recommendation for players: friends’ information from the last 10 battles.

Of course, considering the problem of cheating in battles, we will hide this function as soon as possible. Thank you for your feedback.

I think this loading should be removed if connection is lost. it takes 5–10 seconds to get back in the match. And sometimes it’s disconnected but the internet is good.

Thanks for your feedback

We will re-optimize the loading speed and improve combat efficiency.

Hello Devs, Thunder was a great job done I am really loving it 😍😍😍😍

Cheers to @Windseeker Thunderfury
You are too active in the community helping people personally, it’s appreciated 🙌🏻🙌🏻

I really want to request from the bottom of my heart that you should remove Referrals as a mandatory part of the Moderator application.
It’s the most difficult part.

I understand it was a task ok but if no one has completed it why not Judge them through other areas , why only referral is your main target ? Why not through community polls as i suggested to you ma’am @Andrea. and you said will consider it .

As ik moderators are to help community people understand games ,help the community stay clean and progressive not to market ( to some extent it’s ok but why full dependency )

We will try our best to do it but It’s the work of an ambassador , the marketing team to bring in sponsorship, players , and investors .

I really hope you will consider it and make changes to the application.
Once it’s officially released I am looking forward to being a part again and trying my level best .

Thank you 😃

Thank you for your question

Our moderator rules have been established and validated over the long term.

Including the recommendation as part of the moderator assessment is to ensure that our moderator team possesses extensive social skills and community connections. While this can be a challenging task, it also helps develop a multifaceted skill set as a moderator.

@umair ullah
RIP feeling for dmt 😊 seriously your community disheartened .. a new sd launched 100 boxes sold in less than half a day and still everyone is trying to buy but ?? No result in dmt 😊 that’s why everyone selling dmt time to time that is the reason 🙂

Please 1st of All focus on dmt !! Who will sell their dmt at 0.02$ after All they need to regret after some months
If The main token of project is worthy then each and every single person easily can invest ❤️
Don’t mind for words , just focus on what I wanna tell you 😍❤️ Always supporting team Dragon Master ❤️🔥!!

Thanks for the question:

Thank you for your support and trust!

I would like to emphasize that DMT is the only governance token of DragonMaster, and it will carry the core value of DragonMaster.

As a development team, we should not make investment recommendations to the market, but we can express our firmness and confidence in DMT, thank you!

@Uncle HDC
Is the SD number of 10,000 serious? Can I understand that SD is depreciating more and more? Will the conclusion affect whether I want to be a collector? Please give an explanation, thank you.

Thanks for the question:

The SD quantity limit is 10,000, which is true. Because when it was released, this quantity limit had been added to the smart contract and cannot be changed. Once the quantity is exceeded, it will be rejected.

You can check the market, and the quantity of each SD is still only over 100, which is still far from the target limit.

@MIKEL°LWG | DragonMaster
Hi magic hat team, i would like to suggest that you expand the matchmaking range to top 150–200 so players will not be playing the same opponent over and over again this season

Thanks for the question

The matching range and the number of repeatable matches have been adjusted. You need to experience the details in the game.

According to observation,matching with repeated opponents in a short period of time has been basically eliminated.

new skin ????

New family dragons will take precedence over skins.

if we hunt someone and match for many games everyday, is that ok????

We generally do not interfere with players’ confrontation strategies, but only if the confrontation is normal

why withdraw take too long?and Can I get wallet private key?

No, the DM wallet is an hosted wallet, not an EOA wallet.

My question is can I use two accounts in one same device?

Normal gameplay is fine

What is the reason DMT price going down day by day.

The season just ended and suffered a player sell-off period

This means that SD will be worthless in the future😄

No, instead they will be more valuable because they are limited, unlike the Family Dragon NFT.
One thing I neglected to mention is that the burning SD counts towards the limit. So in the end SD will only get less and less

Thunder supply has exceeded the number of bombs currently as i see in market

Do u plan to shorten the thunder sale period ?
Just like bewtich was 2 weeks can’t thunder be the same ?

I think 1 month is a huge time

Okay, if we shorten the time, we will make an announcement from the community. And the Thunder Dragon Breeding Event will open

In the past two months or so, all the announcements have been regarding the updates to the game shop. You guys changed the schedule for the community. As you said, be more concentrated on improving the game. But I don’t see any improvement regarding the lag issues and spacing issues. All I can see are improvements in the game shop and nothing else.

Maybe there is room for improvement on how to gain more money on the developer side.

Actually, during this period, we have updated a lot of optimized content, including the difficulty level of early player confrontation, asset monitoring, and more. There will be more gameplay improvements in future updates, and I will also frequently share development logs in the community.

Sorry for being late, can i still ask a question , ,

Previous season 2 of my friends with this ID 1208313 and 6417488
was violated and finally his account was banned for 7 days. what I want to ask is

What is the reason why these two accounts are considered to be engaging in wintrading?

Based on reports or system detection?

If this is from system detection, can you show me the detection process that you made?

If it’s from someone’s report, why don’t you clarify it first with the person concerned?

When and which matches are considered wintrading?

One of the players I mentioned, plays more than 1000 matches in one season, which is twice the number of matches compared to top ranked players and uses a lot of protected cards.

and the other player, just this season he is trying to increase his trophy and his win rate is only around 50%, he uses a protect card to be able to climb to LB.

I just want to get clarity, what is my friend’s mistake and where is my friend’s mistake?

We approach banning very carefully and do not ban any player lightly.
We will test this in several ways:
1. Player reports
3. analyzing battle data
3. Analyze account data

Please forgive me for not being able to be open and transparent about these rules or they will continue to be exploited.

so you are saying that people who sell their SDs cheap, would regret their decisions in future?🥹

I mean, SD numbers are only going to get smaller, that’s the difference between it and the family dragons, let the market decide the exact price!

When there will be recruitment in marketing Team?

The Ambassador Internship is currently ongoing. Please stay tuned for community announcements regarding any new recruitment rounds.

Sir, before the current season, upon collecting farming rewards, we were getting totems, why it has been replaced with a discount card?? Besides that upon winning battles, we were getting 30 totems, but now it has been reduced to 20 totems, why so sir?

Since we have now increased the output of totem, the task system will continue to be adjusted, adding more tasks and reward types.

every rule has a loophole… no perfect rule in this world…… it’s all depening on us… who live underthe rules………..
just give me how to match… I cant avoid my own guild players if I have 10 of top 20… or even worse… 3 of top 5…..

Yes, I understand, I’m a techie and I’m all for running the game with rules. I also believe in balance and reject extremes.

Please believe that we respect every player account and will not ban any player account lightly. As long as your account is in line with normal player behavior, don’t worry about being banned.

What is the progress of BSC chain adoption?

Besides BSC… What other chains are in the pipeline.

1. we will launch the BSC network when we release the new family dragons and when the game app can support all smart contracts. (Right now the game’s DM wallet has not been completed for other smart contracts on the official website)

2. at that time, players will only need to be able to collect BSC airdrops in the game!

3. we are preparing the TON network

1. In the dragon master, P2P sending and receiving is already allowed, DM charges a fee too then Why dragon master doesn’t start escrow service? By doing so, Scams can be avoided, which is now common, everyday users get scammed, but by introducing escrow service trusted P2P environment would be established.

2. When a player gets a paid dragon on the rent for a few days, Then only the owner has the right to cancel the paid rental. So my concern is why the player can’t cancel his rental. For exp: Player got dragon for 10 days, but on the 7th day, he wants to discontinue and save his DMTs of the last 3 days, so he has no option or control over rental.

If it is due to the penalty then there should be a deduction on refund, but please allow players as well to cancel their paid rentals like the owner can do at any time. Thanks.

1. Use the Marketplace feature to both avoid being scammed.

2. Currently we encourage honesty when renting, so we will not consider discontinuing the rental function for now.

🎊 DragonMaster Giveaways: Thunder Dragon Trial Card Giveaway 🎊

📢A new round of giveaways is here! Just complete a few simple tasks on the DapDap platform to earn a chance to participate in the lucky draw.

The system will randomly select lucky winners who will have the opportunity to win the following exciting prizes:

1⃣ A Random Dragon NFT x 4
2⃣ 150 DMT x 10
3⃣ Thunder Dragon Trial Card x 6

🔥 Join now:

Finally, a big thank you to everyone for participating, and to @Ethan Brown @ChuckRRR @Daniel | Magic Hat for answering questions! !

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