DragonMaster Community AMA Recap (July 26, 2024)

12 min readJul 30, 2024


DragonMaster Core Members:

  • Ethan Brown
  • ChuckRRR
  • Daniel | Magic Hat

@Kamran Qureshi

I apply for moderator but till yet devs sir not ans me did I colofied or not

Thank you for your inquiry.

Due to the large number of applicants, we are actively conducting the review process.

We will announce the selected list soon and plan to start the moderator trial period next week.

hope this answer your question

@bossing kumusta ang buhay buhay
There are too many unranked teams in free rental and the current value of dragon in the market is too low.. i have a suggestion, due to the breeding event, the number of dragons increased which caused its value to decrease.. to solve the excessive increase of dragons we should have a dragon burning event with rewards..

Thank you for your question.

There are no rewards, and we do not encourage players to burn dragon NFTs as it is unethical. We are about to launch Google and Facebook ads to attract more new players to consume the existing dragon NFTs, bringing the supply and demand back into balance.

I suggest to buff the small and medium dragon

Rage buff to 40% double damge
Lucky buff to 50 % random buff
Armor buff to 3.5 and 2.5
Bl buff to 50%

All dragon is not useless
And the other player
Noob, pro , and newbie player build their own meta team

And the other dragon is not useless

Bl counter armor
Rage counter lucky and bl
Lucky counter bl armor and rage

Imagine if you’re only buff 1 class of dragon all player use it and the other dragon is useless because few player using it
All player build their own team without copying top leaderboard build

Good question!

We will also consider adding some seasonal development or unique combat events to increase the strategy and randomness of each battle, allowing different dragons to have different experiences each season.

Can we know the reason why only for India mod opportunity has come ? …. On what basis is this been given , can you share the number of all countries players on DM? I appreciate that you’re moving to a different region but it’s hurt little bcz what I see in 8 months of experience the max users are from php…. Then after Shenron update big community from Asia ( Pakistan, Bangladesh,UAE) arrives. Is it not unfair that just mod opportunities come for Indians?…. I never seen them in community event only 2,3 indian active in communities If you want to build a good community give equal opportunity

Thank you for asking.

We understand your concern. The current situation, where only India has received moderator opportunities, is based on the current structure and needs of our team.

We are working hard to expand our moderator team and plan to recruit moderators from other countries in the future, including the regions you mentioned: Pakistan, Bangladesh, UAE, and Indonesia. We are committed to building a diverse community and appreciate your feedback.

1.Add weekly cards that may help beginners to invest and play more and attract more investors
2.As you all know totems price is too dump and DMT is pump so please held an event of double totems reward It may attract more players to play game and earn money
Please ponder over my request
3.When the ring arena will be officially launched?
4.When we talk to our friends in game?
My last question is that is there any chance that in future updates the card mode will be updated like tournaments of card mode?

Thank you for this question.

1. This might impact the guild and dragon market.
However, this will also reduce the difficulty for obtaining dragon NFTs, offering players various ways to get their favorite dragons. For example, through the rental market, players can rent a variety of dragons.

2. We hope players can earn DMT in various ways to increase their earnings.

With the low price of TOTEM, we should increase consumption scenarios rather than reward scenarios.

3. We are currently designing the arena, and it will be launched soon.

4. We aim to provide a chat feature for the game.
Previously, we removed this feature due to uncontrollable advertisements and abusive words.
At that time, our chat feature did not support muting and community management, so we temporarily disabled it.

We will relaunch the chat feature, but currently, the DM wallet and new dragons have higher priority.

5. Last question, yes.
Questions answered one by one

Hello devs,
1.Please consider my suggestion, increase the farming rewards, since the number of totems is huge amount. In that way, it may also help to increase breeding.
2.What exchanges do the DMT and Totem will be listed next? And when?
3.Whats your plan on the Card Mode, what happens to the stars gained?

Thank you for your question.

1. On August 1st, the farming rewards will increase from 6000 to 8000 per day. An announcement will be released today.


2.Our market team is in communication with Binance, Kraken, and Kucoin exchanges. If there is any latest news, we will immediately post a community announcement.

In the future, the card mode will become a standalone gameplay feature. The stars earned will be used for airdrop rewards or item

@Elite Fierce | Infinity
Fix the lag

Thanks for the report.

We have received user feedback and have contacted Amazon’s technical support to actively address the network latency issue.

From the server dashboard, we can see that the latency issue has improved in most countries and regions.

But some areas still experience problems.
We will continue to work on resolving this.

New modes request:
1.3 lanes with 300/400/500 hp each lane. (hp will be deducted everytime the dragon reached the opponents
2.i think tower defense mode of the game will be fun too

Thank you for the suggestion.

This is an interesting idea. In our current card mode, each lane has a health value, and players compete to win as many lane objectives as possible.

Of course, there are more gameplay designs possible. For example, in a 5-lane setup, a player only needs to win 3 lanes quickly to achieve victory, focusing on speed rather than the total health of the towers.

We will carefully evaluate this. Thank you again for your suggestion.

Kindly look at the merging problem. It’s too difficult.
S quality market price 80 Dmt to 250 Dmt
But in merging A+A=S faild ten times then to get S quality this is not fair.
2nd time 8 time failed the get s quality
900 dmt wasted to get 2 s quality dragon.
It means if I go for S+S=SS after 16 times paying merging fees then I get SS .

What is the banifit of the merging dragons
One more thing, kindly fix the dragon quality
SSS has 57 low damage and B quality has 60 damage. I can’t understand B quality is powerfull or SSS is powerfull.

Thanks for your question.

As the price of DMT rises, the NFT staking system has become more popular among players.
We can see that the total NFT staking score on Polygon is increasing daily
meaning more NFTs are being staked to earn more DMT rewards
This also explains why players are eager to collect more high-quality NFTs.
There are various ways to obtain high-quality NFTs
breeding, purchasing from the market, or drawing from the game
We hope players can find the optimal investment path.
The quality of an NFT is determined by the combination of its attack power, durability, and skill parameters.
B quality: It might have attack power at the SSS level, but its durability and skill parameters are at the C level.
SSS quality: It might have attack power at the A level, but its durability and skill parameters are at the SSS level.
cannot provide the exact formula, but I can share the logic behind the algorithm. 🙂

When Thunder???… When new Skin????….. almost End of July

Thank you for asking.

The Thunder Dragon is expected to officially debut in mid-August, and the new skins are expected to be unveiled around September.

1.Allow mis-touch prevention like app lock, so the app won’t disapper when we mistouch in battle.
2.Disable Login protection

Thank you for your question.

You can choose to delete Google Authenticator, which will disable login protection.

If you choose to enable Google Authenticator, login protection will be mandatory and cannot be disabled.

@+62 | bamb
Hi dear developers,
Allow me to submit criticism and suggestions.

Problems that often occur in the game:
Frequent re-logging in while the game is running even though the signal and PING are good, this is very annoying because when you are in a position to win you end up losing because you have to re-login.
And had to lose the trophy in vain.

When the game ends and wins, suddenly the screen stops and can’t move it at all and has to log in again.
And when checked in history, the wins were not counted and the totems did not increase. But energy is reduced.

We think there are quite a lot of players from Indonesia, therefore we need a Moderator from Indonesia as our representative at Dragon Master.

I submitted this request to the AMA some time ago regarding the Leaderboard profit sharing feature.
Please release it soon 🙏

With reason:
a. Because now the price of dragons in the marketplace is very cheap, so most, if not almost all, players already have their own dragons.

b. With players who already have their own dragons, almost no one is looking for scholarships anymore.

c. Players are only looking for scholarships that provide Special Dragon.
Meanwhile, we all know that the price of a special dragon is not cheap.
Managers will have difficulty returning capital if they only rely on Totem’s 40% : 60% profit sharing.
It’s hard to get back your capital, let alone find results.

d. If this continues, I am sure the scholarship program will no longer be able to run.

Thank you, we really love Dragon Master.
Hopefully Dragon Master will be even more successful

Thank you for the long suggestion.

I have carefully read all the content, and I appreciate your concerns and passion for Dragonmaster.

1. Regarding the criticism, we accept it. This week, our server stability issues caused repeated error warnings. Our operations and technical teams quickly fixed the error, but it affected the players’ battle experience during this time. We deeply apologize for this. We have fixed the problem and restored normalcy. If it happens again, please contact our community moderators or development team. Thank you.

2. Regarding the recruitment of moderators in Indonesia, our doors are always open. Any Indonesian players familiar with Dragonmaster are welcome to apply by contacting @Daniel | Magic Hat or @Andrea..

3. Regarding leaderboard profit sharing: Rest assured, guilds are always an important part of the community, and we will never abandon the development of guilds. We will release the leaderboard profit sharing.

Despite the low cost of dragon NFTs, there is still a high demand from free players. We adhere to the principle that regardless of whether players pay or not, we should implement leaderboard profit sharing. Thank you.

@bossing kumusta ang buhay buhay
Try to nerf freeze on another season.. let’s have a change of meta.. same sd meta since the release of freeze.. gave other sd their spotlight.. for example: if bomb dragon can destroy its own ally why freeze dragon can’t freeze its own ally?. Same meta is equal to same game play or gaming strategy.. freeze dragon is dominating the leaderboards since the day u release it..

Or we can upgrade other S.D like changing bomb skills that apply only to the opponent.

Thank you for your question. As both questions are similar, so I give answers together.

We have been working hard to balance the entire competitive ecosystem.
Currently, the win rate of Frost Dragons is within a controllable range.

@umair ullah
Any chance of buyback ? How much time boxes price down ? Before updating boxes price minimum 2 days ago announced in discord .. What is the price of thunder SD ? As soon as possible Launch new ordinary drags , because now most of player complete their staking so they take profit and selling DMT , dmt will drop kindly give us new ways/events to burn dmt or investing money Thank you Always positive vibes with dragon master

Thank you for your question.

Regarding the price of Thunder SD, it is expected to be 19,900 diamonds. Thank you for your suggestion. We plan to release new SDs and different dragon skins every two months. We will also continuously introduce new game content, events, and gameplay opportunities to burn DMT or NFTs.

199 usdt for Thunder dragon isn’t it too much

If it comes out to be B or C , grade won’t it impact Huge

Or will u maintain A grade minimum as it’s quality ?

This is an estimated price, the final price will be based on the published price, but it will not deviate too much

Thank you .. just think of your middle class community 😂🙈 thank you 😁

Fully understand, I’ll help the community knock the price down 😂

I’m on the side of the community.

If NFT burning is unethical to game why is nft fragments given as we burn it , then there should be nothing in return to it

You’re misunderstanding what I’m saying.
I meant that it would be unethical to encourage players to burn dragons without giving rewards.
Right now burning dragons is rewarding players with dragon shards, which is a free choice of the player.

Is it possible thunder dragon also add in Gold Boxes from day 1st ?? Most people will open boxes and try their luck … some will get some will not … but our community will try to more invest .. ? What do you think sir ?

It won’t. New dragons are released, only available for pre-sale, and you wait a while for them to drop into gold boxes and breeding systems

I face a very bad experience on 23 July on battle section my win trophies didn’t added , my Totem also didn’t add yet i sumbit my report through mod but it’s 3 day’s no response on it kindly fix it that day’s data can put impact on season leaderboard rank my 2 I’d faced this issue
I appreciate the dev and technical team which resolved my previous issue of bld dragon missing, staking and merging
But see little inconvenience so much issues appearing kindly resolve them
Staking, merging issue took 14 day’s to resolve
Bad gaming experience lead to feel bad 😞
It’s my right to ask for some compansation….

Sorry, in principle, no compensation will be provided to individual users for non-serious technical incidents.

At least bring on the Skill video this month itself @Ethan Brown
At least we should know what dragon does in Battel by watching it

Yes, it will be released next week.

Is the breeding cost still the same, sir, when another breeding event starts?

DMT prices have risen and breeding costs may be adjusted

can the skin of the dragons be NFT?

Not at present, but in the future

Ok sir 🔥🔥❤️ when pre-sale start .. thunder will add in staking ? Or few days letter ?

Stake will be added at the start of the pre-sale

Which dragon will get a new skin next release sir?

Bomb Dragon

Will it throw thunder from hand? Like machine gun fire?

You guess 🥰

You don’t want to encourage nft/dragon burning, but there are too many dragons that are not being used.. don’t you think that when the number of dragons decreases again, the chance for others to breed again will increase?.! 🤭🤭😅

Yes, agreed, this needs a sensible mechanism for burning dragons

When we buy in pre-sale , we get immediately thunder SD or wait to sell all boxes ?

It’s the player’s choice.

Hello dragon master team.
I have some suggestions and issue which must be resolved to make this game more popular as an earning game.
1st the decline in dragons prices occured too much which is not acceptable. As people have bought dragons for 350–700 DMT and they are now priced as 20 MDT which is too much . So it should be corrected.
2nd the dragon supply in market is much high it should be reduced.
If we give dragons on rent so the restoration prices is much high compare to profit from the rented dragons. And thus in last we get only 10–20 totem profot from a team
So these are the isssues which must have to be resolved to make this game better

Yes, we’ll fix those.

Sir last question Skills of thunder SD is equal or stronger then Freeze SD ?

I think Thunder Dragon is strong, each dragon has its own characteristics, wait for our video preview next week!

Can u give a hint what will bomb Skin do , instead of just increase its attack damage

In order not to affect combat balance, we may try new entitlements that are not combat related

