DragonMaster Weekly Data (Jun 6-Jun 12)
2 min readJun 13, 2022
Economic system
1. Daily burn/mint TOTEM quantity change (7 days)
2. Daily burn/mint DMT quantity change (7 days)
3. Changes in the number of currency holders this week
DMT: 2,849
TOTEM: 1,207
4. Trading market data this week
Number of NFT transactions: 297
NFT turnover: 10.95 WETH
Product function
1. Updates completed this week:
- NFT trading market V2 which supports shopping-cart function and one-click purchase of dragon Team
2. Ongoing feature iteration:
- Simplified game registration process
- Special-Dragon Boxes Sale Event (Voted)
- TOTEM Arena
1. Number of livestreamers:
69 streamer, Please go to #📽丨live-stream in Discord to check it out.
2. Community events:
Event 1: 🎊DragonMaster NFT Giveaway🎊
1. AMA:
AMA Questions and Answers📍DragonMaster Community — 6/10/2022
2. Community Recruitment:
Recruit Marketing Managers:
Recruit Moderator:
Language channels: japanese, korean