DragonMaster Airdrop Is Online, Get Your GEM NFTs!

6 min readOct 29, 2022


Finally it comes! DragonMaster officially announced that the long-awaited DragonMaster GEM NFT Airdrop is officially launched! Check your personal account in the official web page to see if you meet the airdrop conditions from March 21, 2022 to October 28, 2022. If so , then congrat! You can click “Claim” to collect GEMs at 08:00UTC, October 31st!

🎉 Check out the airdrop: https://www.dragonmaster.co/index.html#/assets/airdrop

Snapshot time: Mar 21st, 2022 — Oct 28th, 2022

Claim time: 08:00UTC, Oct 31st

Airdrop claim deadline: 08:00UTC, Nov 15th

🎁 Airdrop GEM Level:

  • Sapphire: Level 1
  • Topaz: Level 1
  • Ruby: Level 1(random)

What’s worth expecting in the future: players who do not meet the conditions, don’t be sad!! There will be a new round of GEM airdrops for all players very soon. Stay tuned.

Next, let’s take a look at these 6 ways to get GEM in this airdrop event~

About Breeding GEM NFTs

There are three types of GEMs, they play their respective roles in the breeding system, which solves the problem of random and uncontrollable attributes/traits of pets when breeding offspring in the previous breeding system V1. They can make the attributes/traits of your pet offspring develop in the direction you expect as much as possible, and also make breeding more diversified.

In addition to being used in the breeding system, the breeding GEM NFT can also be used for marketplace sales and GEM synthesis. GEMs with higher synthesis levels are rarer and more valuable.

  1. Sapphire: When breeding, increase the size probability of baby dragon
  2. Topaz: When hatching, increase the quality probability of baby dragon
  3. Ruby: When hatching, increase the class probability of baby dragon

How to get the GEM airdrop?

Step 1: Click the link below to enter the airdrop page


Step 2: The page will display your snapshot data and the number of airdrops of GEMs obtained for each condition. Please click “Claim” at 08:00UTC on October 31st to receive GEMs.

6 Conditions of GEM Airdrop

DMT average holdings

  • Snapshot time: Mar 21st, 2022 — Oct 28th, 2022
  • Snapshot scope: the player’s game account, on-chain address
  • D Factor: during the snapshot period, the result of (total DMT held each day / snapshot days) will be counted as D factor
  • Airdrop reward: Sapphire
  • The number of airdrops: Math.ceil( D / 50 ), Maximum number is 30

Dragon NFT average holdings

  • Snapshot time: Mar 21st, 2022 — Oct 28th, 2022
  • Snapshot scope: on-chain address
  • N Factor: during the snapshot period, the result of (total dragon NFTs held each day / snapshot days) will be counted as N factor
  • Airdrop reward: Ruby
  • Number of airdrops: Math.ceil( N ), Maximum number is 50


  • Snapshot time: 00:00 UTC, Oct 28th, 2022
  • Claim condition:
  1. Create a guild in the rental page of personal account on the official website
  2. At the end of the snapshot, at least 20 Dragon NFTs(with Egg NFTs) held in the on-chain address
  • Airdrop reward: Topaz
  • The number of airdrops: 10

Hold the Genesis Player NFT

  • Snapshot time: 00:00 UTC, Oct 28th, 2022
  • Claim condition: the player holds the Genesis PlayerNFT when snapshot ends
  • Airdrop reward: Sapphire
  • The number of airdrops: 20

Hold the Certificate of Honor NFT

  • Snapshot time: 00:00 UTC, Oct 28th, 2022
  • Claim condition: the player holds the Certificate of Honor NFT when snapshot ends
  • Airdrop reward: Topaz
  • The number of airdrops: 20

Participate in breeding

  • Snapshot time: Mar 21st, 2022 — Oct 28th, 2022
  • Snapshot scope: on-chain address
  • B Factor: during the snapshot period, The number of breeding dragons will be counted as B factor
  • Airdrop reward: Sapphire
  • Number of airdrops: B, Maximum number is 30

The above is the information of this round of GEM Airdrop Event. Do you meet the conditions to receive GEMs? Check it out now~


Besides GEM airdrops, is there any other way for me to get GEMs?

Obtained GEMs through game Treasure-Hunt function


Obtained GEMs through market transactions


What can I do with these GEM NFTs?

Dragons breeding

When breeding dragons, GEMs can increase the probability of the baby-dragons’ level, size, and class. Compared with the original randomness of breeding, GEMs can make the baby-dragons’ attributes develop in the direction you expect as much as possible.

  • Sapphire: Increases the baby-dragon’s size probability when breeding. Sapphire is good for quickly setting up a dragon team. To participate in the game battle, you need to have four dragons of different sizes (S/M/L/XL). When you only have S, M, and L, Sapphire can be used to increase the breeding probability of XL dragon, so as to form a complete dragon team. And for a guild, it can make the number of dragon teams continue to increase, so that the guild can find more scholars and earn more income.
  • Topaz: Increases the baby-dragon’s quality probability when hatching.The higher the quality of the dragon, its fighting ability and market value will be higher.
  • Ruby: Increases the baby-dragon’s class probability when hatching. Dragons in different classes have different fighting skills. Using Rubies is necessary if you want to get the desired dragon. For example, Special Dragons, Lucky Dragons, Armor Dragons are all popular. Use Rubies to increase the breeding probability of these dragons, the more likely you are to win in game battles, and to be preferred for sale in the marketplace.

Marketplace transaction

GEM NFTs can be sold through the official website marketplace. The higher the grade, the rarer the GEM and the higher the value.


GEM synthesis

Players who want to add more possibilities to the attributes/traits of baby-dragons can synthesize two GEMs of the same type by consuming tokens to increase the probability of GEMs to improve the breeding results.

Is there any breeding event recently if I want to breed my dragons with GEMs now?

About recent breeding event

Event Time: 8:00 UTC, October 21st — November 15th

1. The breeding probability of Angel Dragon will be doubled

2. The breeding probability of Special Dragons will be doubled

